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How Rigorous Is
The Whigham School?

The Whigham School is Not for Everyone

The Whigham School is an elite learning experience where commitment, hard work, and intellectual curiosity is required to be successful. This is not an ordinary study abroad program where the majority of your time is dedicated to sight-seeing and tourist attractions. The Whigham School is a program that will challenge you to think bigger and be open to ideas and experiences that may fall outside of a normal American experience.


It’s for Those Who Desire to Interact with the World

But the experiences will be invigorating and exciting. The Whigham School will equip you to observe, think, debate, and evaluate other cultures, social contracts, religious traditions, political points of view, and social norms. In doing so you will find your time at The Whigham School will stretch you and enlarge your perspective and your heart for others. Not everyone is open to this level of challenge. But if you've been successful in college and possess a high level of curiosity and sense of adventure, The Whigham School just may be be the best place for you.


It’s for the Intellectually Curious

The Whigham School is ideal for rising professionals and students who naturally possess a high level of intellectual curiosity. If you are fascinated by others and how others live their lives, make decisions, and find meaning, The Whigham School will give you the exposure to delight your curiosity. There are few opportunities like The Whigham School program to delve as deeply into understanding the fullness of the human experience as these two years abroad will.


It’s for Those Who Want to Live Their Best Life

The Whigham School will allow you to see how others live and allow others’ lives and traditions inform your own. From this experience, you will find a larger way to frame your place in this world and what is possible for you. There’s no better way to get to living your best life than this.


The Two Most Demanding – and Rewarding – Years of Your Life

The Whigham School program will make you more adaptable. It will challenge you to think in different ways. It will push you to be a better person. But through all of this, you will see how The Whigham School will improve your worldview greatly and give you a more confident approach to your future life choices.


Questions? Email us your questions and we will respond quickly.

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+1 202-773-0518

37 Villa Road, Suite 210
Greenville, South Carolina 29615 USA

Turning Exceptional Students into Global Leaders.

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